Ask the Angels Oracle card deck, by annie b.
A pack of 36 oracle cards, each with an unique, beautifully channelled full colour image and message from the angels, to help us answer the questions and situations of life, whose answers often lie deep within. Click here to see all the cards.
Drawing on the past 25 years experience of her spiritual and art practice,
annie b. has created/ channelled these wonderful oracel cards to help us all
connect with the angels, whether we seek inspiration, guidance, comfort or
healing the angels are always ready to help, you simply just have to ask.
One simply has to have the question, problem or situation in our mind,
shuffle the cards and then with the cards faced down, feel which card we are
drawn to and pick that one. The cards can also be used for past, present
and future inspirational readings.
Card size 87mm x 62mm.
Wholesale prices available on enquiry.
These cards have been featured in the Soul & Spirit Magazine